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Artists such as Delacroix, Goya, Turner, and Friedrich responded to a newly modern world by creating some of the most emotionally expressive art ever made.


The Peredvizhniki artists set out to create unvarnished representations of contemporary Russian life.


The early photography of NiƩpce, Daguerre, Cameron posed questions about art, aesthetics, and technology we still try to answer today.


Courbet, Manet, Degas, and van Gogh used subjective experience to invent new ways to see.


Pugin, Burne-Jones and other 19th-century British artists responded to the industrialized present by looking to an idealized past.


By the 1880s artists such as Klimt, Khnopff, and Stuck turned from the academies and focused on the interior self by exploring dreams, myth and death.

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