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This tutorial traces the representation of the human body in monumental Greek sculpture from the earliest Egyptian influence to the increasing naturalism that lays the foundation for the Classical style.


Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C.E. leaving a vast empire to his generals, the Diadochi (successors). The Diadochi divided Alexander's empire amongst themselves—the Hellenistic dynasties of the Seleucids in the Near East, the Ptolemies in Egypt, the Antigonids in Macedonia, and the wealthy Attalid kings of Pergamon who ruled most of western Asia Minor. Greek culture flourished across an enormous area, but at the same time, these "Hellenized" peoples infused Greek art with a drama and breadth beyond anything the Greeks had previously produced.


The late Classical style during the early 4th century was a time of experimentation and transition away from the strict canonical ideals of the high Classical moment.


By around 500 B.C.E. ‘rule by the people,’ or democracy, had emerged in the city of Athens. Following the defeat of a Persian invasion in 480-479 B.C.E., mainland Greece and Athens in particular entered into a golden age. In drama and philosophy, literature, art and architecture Athens was second to none. The city’s empire stretched from the western Mediterranean to the Black Sea, creating enormous wealth. This paid for one of the biggest public building projects ever seen in Greece, which included the Parthenon.


Almost no ancient Greek wall painting survives, fortunately, their magnificent painted vases can tell us a great deal about lost wall painting as well as Greek culture and technology. This tutorial traces Greek pottery from the Geometric through to the Attic red figure style.


The Early Classical style describes the trends in Greek sculpture between c. 490 and 450 B.C.E. Artistically this stylistic phase represents a transition from the rather austere and static Archaic style of the sixth century B.C.E. to the more idealized Classical style.


Rio 2016, London 2012, Beijing 2008, Olympia 776 B.C.E. find out how the ancient pan-Hellenic games inspired our modern Olympiad. Then learn to identify the classical orders and you will never look at your city or town the same way.

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