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Petrarch called Venice a "mundus alter”—another world. Here Bellini, Giorgione, and Titian made art as brilliant as the light that plays off the city's canals.


Northern Europe’s wealthy merchants and nobles supported the art of van Eyck, Bosch, Dürer, Bruegel, and Holbein; art that invites us back to their world.


The art of Giotto and Duccio was once known as primitive, and useful only as a prelude to the Renaissance. However, recent scholarship allows us to study the brilliant artists of Florence and Siena in their own right.


Why are there so many Protestant denominations (Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, etc.)? The early 16th century, a time when the Roman Catholicism was largely unchallenged in Western Europe, holds the answer.


Discover Grünewald, Bosch, Dürer, Bruegel, Holbein and other extraordinary artists from the Renaissance in England, German, Flanders, etc.


The engineering of Brunelleschi's dome, the naturalism of Donatello’s David, and the humanism of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus each help define the Early Renaissance in Italy.


The Mannerist style developed in the courts of the Italian elite. It built on Renaissance naturalism but distorts and deceives to delight its highly educated audience.


Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling, Leonardo’s Last Supper, and Raphael's Stanza frescos shape our understanding of Western culture even today.

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