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What is the Electoral College? How does Social Security work? Learn the answers to these questions and more in American civics.


In the early nineteenth century, the United States expanded rapidly, fueled by new technology, growing markets, and the extension of democracy to all white men. But this prosperity came at a cost, gobbling up the lands of Native Americans in the West and the labor of enslaved people in the South.


The tutorials in this topic will take you on sweeping journeys through time so that you can get the really BIG picture for how things fit together.


Since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the Cold War has ended and a new, global era has emerged. What does that mean for the United States?


From colony to nation. Explore the dramatic events that separated the United States from Britain and the trials of the young republic and its citizens.


Learning about history isn't all grabbing golden idols from caves and running away from giant boulders. In this tutorial, learn the skills that historians use to interpret primary documents, write strong arguments, and answer questions about the past.


A house divided against itself cannot stand. The United States could no longer remain half-slave and half-free, and the ensuing war over the fate of slavery ripped apart the nation.


After the Civil War, the United States emerged as the world's foremost industrial power. With that came great wealth and great poverty.


The United States emerged from World War II as the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world. But staying on top isn't easy.


The history of North America began long before Columbus set foot in a new world. But once he did, things would never be the same.


From Jamestown until the early stirrings of the American Revolution, colonial America became the foundation of the United States.


At the end of the 19th century, the industrial might of the United States propelled it into great power status. In the early 20th century, the United States grappled with its new role in the world and the effects of the second Industrial Revolution at home.

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