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Is it always better to buy than rent? What if home prices go up dramatically and rents don't? How can we compare home prices to rents to figure out what to do. This older tutorial (low-res, bad handwriting) walks us through this. It is about housing but similar thinking can be applied to any rent-vs-buy decision (spoiler alert, Sal did eventually buy a home).


Most people buying a home need a mortgage to do so. This tutorial explains what a mortgage is and then actually does some math to figure out what your payments are (the last video is quite mathy so consider it optional).


This old and badly drawn tutorial covers a topic essential to anyone planning to not live in the woods -- your personal balance sheet. Since homes are usually the biggest part of these personal balance sheets, we cover that too.


Buying a home involves a lot more than writing a check and getting keys. It could very well be the largest transaction that either the buyer or seller does in their life. Because that, it is an involved process that can sometimes be confusing. Whether we're talking title insurance, escrow, or contingencies, the goal of this tutorial is to demystify the process.

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