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Estimate the volume of items. Solve word problems involving volume.


Area is how we think about how much space something takes in two dimensions, such as comparing how much land one property takes up versus another. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how area is measured.


Use the distributive property to find area of rectangles.


Read and interpret bar graphs. Also, make some graphs of your own!


Have you ever wondered how much fencing you need to surround a plot of land? No? Well, you should still go through this tutorial just in case. You'll learn what perimeter is and how to calculate it.


Estimate the mass of items. Solve word problems involving mass.


Compare the areas and perimeters of rectangles when given a context or picture.


Decompose figures into two to three rectangles to find area of entire figure.


Classify quadrilaterals, including rectangles, rhombuses, and squares. See what attributes they have in common and which ones make them unique.


Find area of shapes by counting unit squares. Some shapes will require combining partial square units to find area. Create rectangles with a given area by covering unit squares.


Transition from counting unit squares to multiplying side length to find area. Measure side lengths with a ruler to find area.


Read and interpret picture graphs. Also, make some graphs of your own!


Read and interpret line plots. Also, make some graphs of your own!


Solve real world problems problems involving perimeter.


Solve word problems involving time. Use number lines, digital clocks, and analog clocks.


Find area of rectangles by multiplying side lengths. Find a missing side length of a rectangle when given the other side length and area. Compare areas of rectangles presented in images or contexts.

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