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Topic E includes lessonsn 14-21. "Solve division word problems with remainders. Understand and solve division problems with a remainder using the array and area models. Understand and solve two-digit dividend division problems with a remainder in the ones place by using place value disks. Represent and solve division problems requiring decomposing a remainder in the tens. Find whole number quotients and remainders. Explain remainders by using place value understanding and models. Solve division problems without remainders using the area model. Solve division problems with remainders using the area model." EngageNY


Topic H includes lessons 34-38. "Multiply two-digit multiples of 10 by two-digit numbers using a place value chart. Multiply two-digit multiples of 10 by two-digit numbers using the area model. Multiply two-digit by two-digit numbers using four partial products. Transition from four partial products to the standard algorithm for two-digit by two-digit multiplication. Transition from four partial products to the standard algorithm for two-digit by two-digit multiplication." EngageNY (Currently, we do not have content for Lesson 34 and 35.)


Topic A includes lessonsn 1-3. "Investigate and use the formulas for area and perimeter of rectangles. Solve multiplicative comparison word problems by applying the area and perimeter formulas. Demonstrate understanding of area and perimeter formulas by solving multi-step real-world problems." EngageNY


Topic F includes lessonsn 22-25. "Find factor pairs for numbers to 100, and use understanding of factors to define prime and composite. Use division and the associative property to test for factors and observe patterns. Determine if a whole number is a multiple of another number. Explore properties of prime and composite numbers to 100 by using multiples." EngageNY


Topic G includes lessonsn 26-33. "Divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by single-digit numbers. Represent and solve division problems with up to a three-digit dividend numerically and with place value disks requiring decomposing a remainder in the hundreds place. Represent and solve three-digit dividend division with divisors of 2, 3, 4, and 5 numerically. Represent numerically four-digit dividend division with divisors of 2, 3, 4, and 5, decomposing a remainder up to three times. Solve division problems with a zero in the dividend or with a zero in the quotient. Interpret division word problems as either number of groups unknown or group size unknown. Interpret and find whole number quotients and remainders to solve one-step division word problems with larger divisors of 6, 7, 8, and 9. Explain the connection of the area model of division to the long division algorithm for three- and four-digit dividends." EngageNY


Topic C includes lessonsn 7-11. "Use place value disks to represent two-digit by one-digit multiplication. Extend the use of place value disks to represent three- and four-digit by one-digit multiplication. Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers applying the standard algorithm. Multiply three- and four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers applying the standard algorithm. Connect the area model and the partial products method to the standard algorithm." EngageNY


Topic D includes lessonsn 12-13. "Solve two-step word problems, including multiplicative comparison. Use multiplication, addition, or subtraction to solve multi-step word problems." EngageNY


Topic B includes lessonsn 4-6. "Interpret and represent patterns when multiplying by 10, 100, and 1,000 in arrays and numerically. Multiply multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by single digits, recognizing patterns. Multiply two-digit multiples of 10 by two-digit multiples of 10 with the area model." EngageNY (Currently, we do not have content for Lesson 6.)

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