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Learn how to multiply multi-digit whole numbers like 345 times 892.


You get the general idea of decimals and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7


Anything you can do with whole numbers, you can do with decimals. Subtraction is no exception. In this tutorial, you'll get some good practice subtracting decimals up the hundredths place.


In this tutorial, we'll extend our division skills to include decimals! We get into some pretty fun stuff here including dividing decimals by whole numbers, and dividing whole numbers by decimals. Finally...dividing decimals by decimals. Common Core Standard 5.NBT.B.7


The real world is seldom about whole numbers. If you precisely measure anything, you're likely to get a decimal. If you don't know how to multiply these decimals, then you won't be able to do all the powerful things that multiplication can do in the real world (figure out your commission as a robot possum salesperson, determining how much shag carpet you need for your secret lair, etc.).


Learn about common fractions and their decimal forms like 1 /2 = 0.5, 3/4 = 0.75, and 2/5 = 0.4.


We're taking division a step further and moving beyond single-number division. Let's learn to divide any whole number by a multiple-digit whole number! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.6

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