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Arithmetic is fun, but algebra is a blast! These tutorials will give you some straightforward explanations and examples to get you started down the road of algebraic thinking. We'll practice writing and evaluating numerical expressions, as well as seeing, interpreting, and graphing patterns and relationships between numbers. We're laying the foundation for lots of good learning ahead!


The most fundamental branch of math is having a clear idea on number sense and numeration. It consists of understanding place values, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers. We're willing to bet that doing these operations on whole numbers is a piece of cake, but now we'll mix those numbers up with decimals and fraction and exciting concepts like ratios and percentages. So sharpen that pencil and relax in your chair, we're going for a ride!


If you think about it, we measure almost everything: time, distance, size, weight, volume, etc. Every THING can be measured. The question is, what unit of measurement is used and how is that unit constructed, compared, and converted? This last part is what we explore in these tutorials.


We dare you to go through a day in which you never consider or use probability or statistics. Did you check the weather forecast? Busted! Did you decide to go through the drive through lane vs walk in? Busted again! We are constantly creating hypotheses, making predictions, testing, and analyzing. We are constantly looking at data and charts to understand a multitude of information out here you go! All made simple for you!


We are surrounded by space. And that space contains lots of things. And these things have shapes. In geometry we are concerned with the nature of these shapes, how we define them, and what they teach us about the world at large. Geometry is at the core of everything that exists--including you. Some of the interesting topics we cover in measurements section: triangles, prisms, quadrilaterals etc. are all actually part of geometry too! Having said all that, here we'll delve into angles and coordinate planes and more!

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