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Statistics help us answer many questions, but not all questions are statistical. In this tutorial, we'll learn to tell the difference between a statistical question and a non-statistical question.


Mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a tool for reasoning about the spread of data, just like interquartile range (IQR). Higher values of MAD tell you the data is more spread out. Lower values of MAD tell you the data is closer together.


Like people, no two data distributions look exactly the same. Well, maybe that's not always true... Anyway, the point is that each data distribution has it's own shape. In this tutorial, you'll learn new vocabulary that will have you discussing the shape of data distributions like a pro in no time!


Histograms are similar to dot plots and bar graphs, but they work a little bit differently. In this tutorial, we'll learn how histograms work and when to use them.


Mean and median are measures of "central tendency." That is, they help us find the center (or middle) of the data. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to compute mean and median.


Learn how to interpret and compare dot plots, histograms, and box plots.


A dot plot is like a bar chart, but it displays data using dots (not bars). And a frequency table is like a dot plot, but it displays data in a simple table (not a fancy diagram).


Practice solving more challenging problems using your knowledge of mean and median.


Interquartile range (IQR) is a tool for reasoning about the spread of data. Higher values of IQR tell you the data is more spread out. Lower values of IQR tell you the data is closer together.


Whether you're looking at scientific data or stock price charts, box-and-whisker plots can illuminate patterns in your life. This tutorial covers what they are, how to read them, and how to construct them.

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