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We all know that 6 is bigger than 4, but is -6 bigger than -4? This tutorial is designed to help you compare negative numbers.


Opposite numbers are the same distance from 0 on opposite sides of the number line. A number opposite is sometimes called an additive inverse.


Practice finding positive and negative decimals and fractions on the number line.


What are negative numbers? When do we use them? Where do we find them on the number line? Let's learn what happens in the world below zero!


You'll find absolute value absolutely straightforward--it is just the "distance from zero". If you have a positive number, it is its own absolute value. If you have a negative number, just make it positive to get the absolute value. As you see as you develop mathematically, this idea will eventually extended to more contexts and dimensions, so super important that you understand this core concept now. Common Core Standards: 6.NS.C.7, 6.NS.C.7c, 6.NS.C.7d


We first explored the coordinate plane in the 5th grade, but that was only dealing with positive coordinates. Now we know all about negative numbers so why not have negative coordinates as well? Let's get cozy with the x and y axis, plotting ordered pairs, quadrants, and reflection points. We got it covered. Sit back, relax, and get ready to groove with us. Common Core Standards: 6.NS.C.6, 6.NS.C.6b, 6.NS.C.6c, 6.NS.C.8

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