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This tutorial discusses the delicate relationship between descriptive mathematics (which can be very precise) and the real world it describes (which usually isn't precise at all).


In middle school we learn how to solve proportion problems using proportional reasoning. In this tutorial you will learn how to solve those problems using dimensional analysis.


Learn how to determine the appropriate *type* of modeling equation (or inequality) according to the description of a real-world context.


Practice solving word problems that involve the conversion between different units for the same quantity. For example, a rate problem where some rates are in km/h and some are in m/s.


Learn how to work with units that are arithmetic combinations of more simple units. For example, velocity units are quotients of distance units over time units, which corresponds to the formula v=d/t.


Practice solving word problems that involve a variety of units.


Learn how to solve problems that involve multi-variable formulas.

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