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Do the angles in a triangle always add up to the same thing? Would I ask it if they didn't? What do we know about the angles of a triangle if two of the sides are congruent (an isosceles triangle) or all three are congruent (an equilateral)? This tutorial is the place to find out. Common Core Standard: 8.G.A.5


This tutorial experiments with lines that divide the angles of a triangle in two (angle bisectors). As we'll prove, all three angle bisectors actually intersect at one point called the incenter (amazing!). We'll also prove that this incenter is equidistant from the sides of the triangle (even more amazing!). This allows us to create a circle centered at the incenter that is tangent to the sides of the triangle (not surprisingly called the "incircle").


The triangle inequality theorem is, on some level, kind of simple. But, as you'll see as you go into high level mathematics, it is often used in fancy proofs. This tutorial introduces you to what it is and gives you some practice understanding the constraints on the dimensions of a triangle.


In this tutorial, we study lines that are perpendicular to the sides of a triangle and divide them in two (perpendicular bisectors). As we'll prove, they intersect at a unique point called the cicumcenter (which, quite amazingly, is equidistant to the vertices). We can then create a circle (circumcircle) centered at this point that goes through all the vertices. This tutorial is the extension of the core narrative of the Geometry "course". After this, you might want to look at the tutorial on angle bisectors.


You've explored perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors, but you're craving to study lines that intersect the vertices of a a triangle AND bisect the opposite sides. Well, you're in luck because that (medians) is what we are going to study in this tutorial. We'll prove here that the medians intersect at a unique point (amazing!) called the centroid and divide the triangle into six mini triangles of equal area (even more amazing!). The centroid also always happens to divide all the medians in segments with lengths at a 1:2 ration (stupendous!).


Triangles can be classified in different ways. In this tutorial, we'll learn about scalene, isosceles, equilateral, acute, right, and obtuse triangles.


Ok. You knew triangles where cool, but you never imagined they were this cool! Well, this tutorial will take things even further. After perpendicular bisectors, angle bisector and medians, the only other thing (that I can think of) is a line that intersects a vertex and the opposite side (called an altitude). As we'll see, these are just as cool as the rest and, as you may have guessed, intersect at a unique point called the orthocenter (unbelievable!).


This tutorial brings together all of the major ideas in this topic. First, it starts off with a light-weight review of the various ideas in the topic. It then goes into a heavy-weight proof of a truly, truly, truly amazing idea. It was amazing enough that orthocenters, circumcenters, and centroids exist , but we'll see in the videos on Euler lines that they sit on the same line themselves (incenters must be feeling lonely)!!!!!!!

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