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A decimal point denotes a system of numbers based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten. In this topic we will learn more about the decimal places or tenths and hundredths!


Volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container. The weight of an object determines how heavy it is! Since we deal with volumes and weights everyday in our lives, we will learn more about them in this chapter.


The area of a shape is the extent or measurement of it's surface. In this chapter we will learn more about areas and related concepts of square footage and perimeter.


In this topic we will see that a factor of a number is an exact divisor of that number, and a multiple is a result of the multiplication of that number with another whole number. Let's look at this concept closely!


In this chapter we will learn to identify between symmetric and asymmetric shapes by identifying/drawing a line of symmetry.


A form or design occurring in the world that repeats itself or takes a predictable direction is a pattern! In this chapter we will learn more about the fun world of patterns!


We use multiplication and division every single day of our lives. In this chapter we will learn of more ways to multiply and divide.


This chapter focuses on visualization of concepts.


A fraction is a small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of something. In this chapter we will explore this term further and learn more about fractions, proportions, mixed numbers, visualization, and rate based problems.


A shape can be a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle. And an Angle is the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet. In this chapter we will learn more about them!


In this chapter we will learn about place values, how to compare them, how to identify them, and we will do some exercises to increase our understanding of the topic.


As we recall, the area of a shape is the extent or measurement of it's surface. In this chapter we will learn more about areas and perimeters!

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