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Here, we will look into what we mean when we use the term "Lowest common multiple" and how we can calculate it.


Here, we will lean few more divisibility rules, like if a number is divisible by another number then it is divisible by each of the factors of that number.


In this topic we will see that composite numbers have more than two factors while' Prime numbers' have exactly two factors: 1 and the number itself. We will also look into prime factorization and a fundamental theorem of arithmetic.


In this topic we will see that a factor of a number is an exact divisor of that number, and a multiple is a result of the multiplication of that number with another whole number. Let's look at this concept closely!


We will understand what the we mean by the term "Greatest common divisor" or "Highest common factor", and cover some basic exercises. Let's begin!


When a number is expressed as a product of its factors, we say that the number has been factorized. Here, we will look deeper into the concept of prime factorization, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, and do a divisibility exercise!


In this topic we will look into how the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 divisibility rules govern the divisibility of a large number. We will also do the 3 and 9 divisibility rules in detail. Let's see what we mean by that!


Let's look into some applications of Highest common factor (HCF) and Lowest common multiple (LCM), and try to build a better understanding of these topics through some exercises.

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