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Angles are made when corners are formed. In this topic we will start with angle basics and understand what we call different angles.


A circle is a simple closed curve that is not a polygon. It is the locus of all points that are equidistant from it's centre. In this topic we will look into the language and notations that we use while dealing with circles.


We will understand the definition of a point and look into how we can make it.


Here we will discuss the meaning of geometry and the history related to it. We will also look into the life of Euclid, who is known as the father of Geometry.


In this topic we will see that a line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two end points. A line segment that goes off on both directions indefinitely is called a line, whereas a line segment that only extends in one direction is called a ray. In this topic we will learn to draw, recognize and differentiate between line segments, lines, and rays.


Two lines that cannot have a common point are called parallel lines. When two intersecting lines make an angle of 90 degrees, they are called perpendicular lines. When two lines intersect and the angle between them is a right angle, then the lines are said to be perpendicular. In this topic we will learn to clearly differentiate between parallel and perpendicular lines and to draw them.

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