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Fractions less than 1 are called proper fractions. In a proper fraction, the numerator is always less than the denominator. A mixed fraction is a combination of a whole and a part, while fractions greater than 1 are called improper fractions. In this topic we will learn about changing/converting mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa. We will also do exercises to convert decimals into fractions.


Fractions with same denominators are called like fractions. Here we will learn how to decompose a fraction visually and practice adding fractions through exercises.


In this topic we will learn to add and subtract fractions with like, unlike and common denominators. We will also learn how to add fractions with different signs, mixed fractions with like, unlike denominators, and addition of decimals, fractions, and percentages.


A fraction is a number representing part of a whole. We use fractions in everyday life, from dividing a to even checking the time. In this chapter we will learn about the basics of fractions, what proper, improper, equivalent, and mixed fractions are. We will also learn how to write fractions in their simplest forms, to compare fractions, and to add or subtract two fractions.


Fractions containing a similar part of the whole are allied equivalent fractions, e.g. 1/2 = 2/4. In this chapter we will practice word problems related to equivalent fractions, and we will learn how to compare them visually and on the number line.


In like fractions, the fraction having the greater numerator is greater. In fractions with same numerator, the fraction having the greater denominator is smaller. In this topic we will learn to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators. We will also learn about ordering fractions, multiplication as scaling, and compare probabilities.


A fraction is said to be in the simplest (or lowest) form if its numerator and denominator have no common factor other than 1.


In this topic we will learn how to plot proper and improper fractions on a number line. We will also learn how to add fractions with different signs.


5/12 is a fraction. We read it as “five-twelfths”.12 is the number of equal parts into which the whole has been divide, out of which we are talking about 5 only. In this topic we will learn ow to recognize a fraction, we will introduce the concept of numerators and denominators and we will learn how to compare fractions visually and using the number line.

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