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Integers are a collection of whole numbers (0,1,2,3..) and their opposites (-1,-2,-3,-4..).


Can you see that, the two dimensional figures can be identified as the faces of the three dimensional shapes? For example a cylinder has two faces which are circles, and a pyramid, shaped like this has triangles as its faces.We will now try to see how some of these 3-D shapes can be visualised on a 2D- surface, that is, on paper.


A number which can be expressed in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero is called a Rational Number.


In this chapter, we will learn what congruence is and learn different criteria for proving the congruence of two triangles


A triangle is a simple closed curve made of three line segments. It has three vertices, three sides and three angles.


Very large numbers, for example 1685742300000 are difficult to read, understand and compare. To make these numbers easier to read, understand and compare, we use exponents.


Fractions tell us how many parts of the whole we have. Decimals on the other hand help us with accurate measurement of length, weight etc., because in the real world, these quantities aren't exact whole numbers but in fact parts of a large number.


An equation is a statement that helps us understand the equality between two or more variables, and constants. A variable can take various values. Its value is not fixed. We use letters x, y, l, m, ... etc. to denote variables. On the other hand, a constant has a fixed value. x+3=7 is an equation where x is a variable and 3 and 7 are constants.


Data handling helps us in collection, recording and presentation of data -- organizing data makes it easy to understand and interpret.


An algebraic expression is an expression built up from constants, variables, and the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


A 'line' has no end points, a 'line segment' has two end points, and an 'angle' is formed when lines or line segments meet. This is where we dive into the world of geometry!


In this chapter we will get a better hold of simple shapes like circles, triangles, and parallelograms and also learn how to construct these shapes of given dimensions.


The Perimeter of a shape is the distance around a closed figure while its area is the part of plane or region occupied by the closed figure.


We compare quantities to arrive at conclusions and take decisions all the time. In such situations, to have any meaningful result, the units of the quantities being compared must be equal!


Symmetry is an important geometrical concept, commonly exhibited in nature and is used almost in every field of activity. Artists, professionals, designers of clothing or jewelry, car manufacturers, architects and many others make use of the idea of symmetry. The beehives, the flowers, the tree-leaves, religious symbols, rugs, and handkerchiefs — everywhere you find symmetrical designs.

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