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In this class, our 7th grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


Algebra is a beautiful and important area of study with unlimited applications. One can spend a lifetime studying and exploring it (and some people do). If you're not one of them, and are looking to learn, review or practice the most core ideas in Algebra, you've found your home. This subject is ideal for anyone looking to prepare for a high school or college placement exam. It covers all of the foundational ideas in algebra and related topics in pre-algebra and geometry. If you're looking for more exhaustive coverage, then the Algebra I & II subjects may be better for you.


This class covers all of AP Calc BC, from limits to Taylor series. It is curated to be exactly aligned with the AP Calc BC curriculum.


In this class, our 6th grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


Math begins with counting. It's the most important skill we learn in our early years, and it becomes the foundation for all other math concepts. Once we can count, we can add, subtract, and measure the world around us. Shortly thereafter, we learn about place values, graphs, time, money, and shapes.


Your studies in algebra 1 have built a solid foundation from which you can explore linear equations, inequalities, and functions. In algebra 2 we build upon that foundation and not only extend our knowledge of algebra 1, but slowly become capable of tackling the BIG questions of the universe. We'll again touch on systems of equations, inequalities, and functions...but we'll also address exponential and logarithmic functions, logarithms, imaginary and complex numbers, conic sections, and matrices. Don't let these big words intimidate you. We're on this journey with you!


We dare you to go through a day in which you never consider or use probability. Did you check the weather forecast? Busted! Did you decide to go through the drive through lane vs walk in? Busted again! We are constantly creating hypotheses, making predictions, testing, and analyzing. Our lives are full of probabilities! Statistics is related to probability because much of the data we use when determining probable outcomes comes from our understanding of statistics. In these tutorials, we will cover a range of topics, some which include: independent events, dependent probability, combinatorics, hypothesis testing, descriptive statistics, random variables, probability distributions, regression, and inferential statistics. So buckle up and hop on for a wild ride. We bet you're going to be challenged AND love it!


4th grade is the time to start really fine-tuning your arithmetic skills. Not only will you be a multi-digit addition and subtraction rockstar, but you'll extend the multiplication and division that you started in 3rd grade to several digits. You'll also discover that you sometimes have something left over (called a "remainder") when you divide. In 3rd grade you learned what a fraction is. Now you'll start adding, subtracting, multiplying, and comparing them. You'll also see how they relate to decimals. On other fronts, you'll learn how to convert between different units (which is super important when comparing the size and speed of robot unicorns in different countries) and continue your journey thinking about various shapes in two dimensions. Some of the foundational concepts of geometry (like lines, rays and angles) also get introduced. As always, we'll round this out with a healthy dose of applied word problems and explorations of number patterns and properties (including the ideas of factors, multiples and prime numbers). The fun must not stop! (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)


In this class, our 5th grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


In 5th grade, you'll continue to learn about the decimals you learned about in 4th grade, but you'll learn to perform the operations of arithmetic on them: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Whether you are a robot, possum, magic unicorn, or just a normal human being, 5th grade is incredible! You will deepen your knowledge of the decimals that you were first exposed to in 4th grade. In particular, you'll learn to do all the arithmetic operations--addition, subtraction, multiplication, division--with them and really understand what a decimal represents. This will be complemented by building your fraction muscles where you'll learn to add, subtract, and multiply any fractions (and begin to divide them). On the measurement front, you'll explore volume (or how much "space" something takes up) and continue the unit conversion journey begun in 4th grade. 5th grade is also the first time that you get exposed to the fundamental concept of graphing points on a coordinate plane, and you'll get a very brief exposure to the concept of exponents (when exploring "powers" of 10)! (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)


Differential equations, Separable equations, exact equations, integrating factors, Homogeneous equations


We are surrounded by space. And that space contains lots of things. And these things have shapes. In geometry we are concerned with the nature of these shapes, how we define them, and what they teach us about the world at large--from math to architecture to biology to astronomy (and everything in between). Learning geometry is about more than just taking your medicine ("It's good for you!"), it's at the core of everything that exists--including you. Having said all that, some of the specific topics we'll cover include angles, intersecting lines, right triangles, perimeter, area, volume, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, analytic geometry, and geometric constructions. Wow. That's a lot. To summarize: it's difficult to imagine any area of math that is more widely used than geometry.


In second grade, we will expand our addition and subtraction to 3-digit numbers. We will also learn about the place values for those 3-digit numbers. We will also build on our understanding of measurement, graphs, time, and shapes.


We are surrounded by space. And that space contains lots of things. And these things have shapes. In geometry we are concerned with the nature of these shapes, how we define them, and what they teach us about the world at large--from math to architecture to biology to astronomy (and everything in between). Learning geometry is about more than just taking your medicine ("It's good for you!"), it's at the core of everything that exists--including you. Having said all that, some of the specific topics we'll cover include angles, intersecting lines, right triangles, perimeter, area, volume, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, analytic geometry, and geometric constructions. Wow. That's a lot. To summarize: it's difficult to imagine any area of math that is more widely used than geometry.


By the 6th grade, you're starting to become a sophisticated mathemagician. You'll be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any non-negative numbers (including decimals and fractions) that any grumpy ogre throws at you. Ratios, percents, and variable expressions will start being in your comfort zone. Most importantly, the algebraic side of mathematics is a whole new kind of fun! And if that is not enough, we are going to continue with our understanding of ideas like the coordinate plane and area and much more!


By the 6th grade, you're becoming a sophisticated mathemagician. You'll be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any non-negative numbers (including decimals and fractions) that any grumpy ogre throws at you. Mind-blowing ideas like ratios, percents, negative numbers, and variable expressions will start being in your comfort zone. Most importantly, the algebraic side of mathematics is a whole new kind of fun! And if that is not enough, we are going to continue with our understanding of ideas like the coordinate plane and area while beginning to derive meaning from data!


How would you like to follow in the footsteps of Euclid and Archimedes? Would you like to be able to determine precisely how fast Usain Bolt is accelerating exactly two seconds after the starting gun? Differential calculus deals with the study of the rates at which quantities change. It is one of the two principal areas of calculus (integration being the other).


In this class, our 4th grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


In this class, our 8th grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


This high school probability and statistics class is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.


In first grade, we will expand our addition and subtraction to 2-digit numbers. We will also learn about the place values for those 2-digit numbers. Shortly thereafter, we learn about measurement, graphs, time, and shapes.


This class covers all of AP Calc AB, from limits to solids of revolution. It is curated to be exactly aligned with the AP Calc AB curriculum.


Algebra is the language through which we describe patterns. Think of it as a shorthand, of sorts. As opposed to having to do something over and over again, algebra gives you a simple way to express that repetitive process. It's also seen as a "gatekeeper" subject. Once you achieve an understanding of algebra, the higher-level math subjects become accessible to you. Without it, it's impossible to move forward. It's used by people with lots of different jobs, like carpentry, engineering, and fashion design. In these tutorials, we'll cover a lot of ground. Some of the topics include linear equations, linear inequalities, linear functions, systems of equations, factoring expressions, quadratic expressions, exponents, functions, and ratios.


Get up to speed on the core foundations of geometry.


"The fundamental purpose of Mathematics I is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades." - Common Core State Standards (Appendix A)


In this class, our 3rd grade content is aligned to the EngageNY modules, topics, and lessons.


This class is in active development and will be ready by the start of the 2017-2018 school year.


Kindergarten begins with counting. It's the most important skill we learn in our early years, and it becomes the foundation for all other math concepts. Once we can count, we can add, subtract, and measure the world around us.


"The focus of Mathematics II is on quadratic expressions, equations, and functions; comparing their characteristics and behavior to those of linear and exponential relationships from Mathematics I." - Common Core State Standards (Appendix A)


No way, this isn't your run of the mill arithmetic. This is Pre-algebra. You're about to play with the professionals. Think of pre-algebra as a runway. You're the airplane and algebra is your sunny vacation destination. Without the runway you're not going anywhere. Seriously, the foundation for all higher mathematics is laid with many of the concepts that we will introduce to you here: negative numbers, absolute value, factors, multiples, decimals, and fractions to name a few. So buckle up and move your seat into the upright position. We're about to take off!


8th grade is all about tackling the meat of algebra and getting exposure to some of the foundational concepts in geometry. If you get this stuff (and you should because you're incredibly persistent), the rest of your life will be easy. Okay, maybe not your whole life, but at least your mathematical life. Seriously, if you really get the equations and functions stuff we cover here, most of high school will feel intuitive, even relaxing. (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)


Learning arithmetic means learning how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. But we don't stop there. We'll get into negative numbers, decimals, and fractions, too.


7th grade takes much of what you learned in 6th grade to an entirely new level. In particular, you'll now learn to do everything with negative numbers (we're talking everything--adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, fractions, decimals... everything!). You'll also take your algebraic skills to new heights by tackling two-step equations. 7th grade is also when you start thinking about probability (which is super important for realizing that casinos and lotteries are really just ways of taking money away from people who don't know probability) and dig deeper into the world of data and statistics. Onward! (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)


Big, fancy word, right? Don't be fooled. Looking at the prefix, tri-, you could probably assume that trigonometry ("trig" as it's sometimes called) has something to do with triangles. You would be right! Trig is the study of the properties of triangles. Why is it important? It's used in measuring precise distances, particularly in industries like satellite systems and sciences like astronomy. It's not only space, however. Trig is present in architecture and music, too. Now you may is knowing the measurement and properties of triangles relevant to music?? THAT is a great question. Maybe you'll learn the answer from us in these tutorials!


We know you've been rocking through 2nd grade adding and subtracting all kinds of whole numbers (up to 2 digits, right?). That's awesome! In 3rd grade math we want you to start using bigger numbers and start multiplying and dividing, too. By the way, did you know that some numbers aren’t actually “whole?” They’re “partially whole.” We call them fractions! We want you to start playing around and having fun with those, too. There's also area, perimeter, and place value to be discovered. Whew. We have so much to do and can't wait to do it with you. Let's go!


"Math is like ice cream, with more flavors than you can imagine—and if all your children ever do is textbook math, that's like feeding them broccoli-flavored ice cream." —Denise Gaskins


Precalculus gives you the background for the mathematical concepts that you'll use over and over in calculus, including trigonometry, functions, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, and others.


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between speed and velocity? Ever try to visualize in four dimensions or six or seven? Linear algebra describes things in two dimensions, but many of the concepts can be extended into three, four or more. Linear algebra implies two-dimensional reasoning, however, the concepts covered in linear algebra provide the basis for multi-dimensional representations of mathematical reasoning. Matrices, vectors, vector spaces, transformations, eigenvectors/values all help us to visualize and understand multi dimensional concepts. This is an advanced course normally taken by science or engineering majors after taking at least two semesters of calculus (although calculus really isn't a prereq) so don't confuse this with regular high school algebra.


In multivariable calculus, we progress from working with numbers on a line to points in space. It gives us the tools to break free from the constraints of one-dimension, using functions to describe space, and space to describe functions.


"It is in Mathematics III that students pull together and apply the accumulation of learning that they have from their previous courses [...] Students expand their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. They expand their study of right triangle trigonometry to include general triangles. And, finally, students bring together all of their experience with functions and geometry to create models and solve contextual problems." - Common Core State Standards (Appendix A)


So you're ready to have some arithmetic fun? You've come to the right spot! It's the first "official" math topic and chock full of fun exercises and great videos which help you start your journey towards math mastery. We'll cover the big ones: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, of course. But we don't stop there. We'll get into negative numbers, absolute value, decimals, and fractions, too. Learning math should be fun, and we plan on having some with you. Ready to get started?


By the 6th grade, you're becoming a sophisticated mathemagician. You'll be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide any non-negative numbers (including decimals and fractions) that any grumpy ogre throws at you. Mind-blowing ideas like exponents (you saw these briefly in the 5th grade), ratios, percents, negative numbers, and variable expressions will start being in your comfort zone. Most importantly, the algebraic side of mathematics is a whole new kind of fun! And if that is not enough, we are going to continue with our understanding of ideas like the coordinate plane (from 5th grade) and area while beginning to derive meaning from data! (Content was selected for this grade level based on a typical curriculum in the United States.)


How do you find the area under a curve? What about the length of any curve? Is there a way to make sense out of the idea of adding infinitely many infinitely small things? Integral calculus gives us the tools to answer these questions and many more. Surprisingly, these questions are related to the derivative, and in some sense, the answer to each one is the opposite of the derivative.

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