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Review Big History vocabulary.


The focus of this lesson is to begin to understand the process of claim testing. We use the term "claim testing" in Big History to mean the process that someone goes through when evaluating the truth of a statement that is made either in Big History or in other research that you might do. In general, when you encounter a claim, it’s important to ask why you should believe and trust in that claim. This is a core idea in Big History, and you should use claim testing on a regular basis throughout the course.


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The Big Bang hasn’t always been the generally accepted explanation of how our Universe came to be. In fact, our views on the origin and structure of the Universe have changed drastically over the last thousand years. As new thinking and evidence have built upon one another, our understanding of the Universe has evolved. Over the ages, astronomers have used the tools of their time to understand the origin and structure of the Universe.


Download the teacher resources from the Big History Project classroom version of this course. Text transcripts for videos are also available.


Through the ages, astronomers have used the tools of their time to understand the origin and structure of the Universe. Their views built upon one another, leading to our modern view of the Universe.

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