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Because of Afghanistan's geographical position—on the edge of central Asia with India and China beyond to the east, and Iran, the Middle East and the numerous cultures of the Mediterranean and the rest of Europe to the west—it was criss-crossed by ancient trade routes. In many ways, then as now, it was a hub and meeting place for diverse cultures and neighbours, both near and distant, over thousands of years.


Ancient China includes the Neolithic period, defined as the age before the use of metal, when China witnessed a transition from a nomadic existence to one of settled farming. Imperial Chinese history is marked by the rise and fall of many dynasties and occasional periods of disunity, but overall the age was remarkably stable and marked by a sophisticated governing system that included the concept of a meritocracy.


The following articles and videos explore seventeenth-century Iran through the reign and legacy of one of its most influential rulers, Shah 'Abbas I (reigned 1587–1629).


South Asia is the seat of many of the world’s great religious traditions, most notably Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.


The British Museum has one of the most comprehensive collections of Japanese material culture in Europe. The collection of around 30,000 objects traces the history of Japan from early archaeological material to twentieth century Manga comics. In between, the collection takes in the arts of Buddhism, paintings, prints and printed books, sculpture, Samurai warrior swords, textiles, lacquerware, ceramics and tea ceremony wares and utensils.

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